PETER LITTLEJOHN COOK – his teachers, his journey and his work:
Peter is a Meditation teacher, Yoga teacher, Tantra teacher and Permaculture teacher, specialising in Social Permaculture.
The driving force behind his work is the desire for peace-seekers (does that exclude anyone?) to experience real fulfilment and:
- sustainable peace
- the ultimate Grace of the Divine ('Communion' with the Source)
- Self-Realization through the fulfilment of Divine Potential in each of us
He is engaged in creating methods of making the spiritual Liberation teachings accessible, and his ultimate 'utopian' vision is literally 'Heaven on Earth', consisting of creatively-realized, joyous individuals in voluntary and enthusiastic collaboration, synergistically creating harmonious politically self-responsible communities.
Peter isn't the first to come with this crazy idea and he's not trying to achieve it single-handedly.
It's a long-term project which, of course, includes you as a key part.
Peter's story:Peter was born in London and grew up in a multi-cultural family with Scottish, Brazilian, Russian and indigenous Peruvian ancestry. During his childhood he lived in England, Switzerland and Portugal.
Some seemingly ‘supernatural’ childhood experiences led to growing up with a fascination with the mysteries of life, death, consciousness and the soul – themes which accompanied him throughout his formative years. He set out at an early age to find answers to three fundamental ‘big questions’ which could be expressed today like this:
• What is the ultimate nature of reality behind all appearances, and beyond words and concepts?
• Could all the religions be pointing to this ultimate reality each in their own way?
• Can the ultimate nature of reality be expressed – or at least honoured – in a way that unites instead of dividing people and whole cultures?
After feeling frustrated with the limits of the ‘higher education’ in psychology and philosophy offered by conventional Western universities, and after a period in the music industry as a drummer in a rock band, from 1995 Peter focused his attention on learning from spiritual masters and healers around the world, exploring the possibility of a bridge between ancient and modern wisdom, science and spirituality, and the methodology of ‘East’ and ‘West’.
Having had the good fortune over the last 20 years to learn from several of the world’s greatest living teachers from diverse traditions – shamans, Taoist masters, Sufis, Yogis and modern-day saints including Paramahamsa Hariharananda, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, Ammachi, Shibendu Lahiri, Swami Vishwananda, and Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, combined with the training in the healing arts from ancient indigenous cultures – Peter has taken his own self-exploration and the therapeutic process all the way to the roots of the psyche – to the bare essence of soul – to pure Being.
In this way, his work took on an affinity with the Advaita Vedanta of some of his most cherished teachers and their lineages, going back to Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj – and involving the cultivation of non-dual awareness.
This exploration also led to identifying Tantra (especially Kriya Kundalini Tantra) as the most effective and complete ‘spiritual technology’ which can be applied in a non-sectarian context – a methodology based on inner energy principles, and which is perhaps as old as humanity itself, having taken many forms and being expressed uniquely in each culture, becoming for example the ancient Taoist tradition in China (through great Siddhas such as Kalangi Nathar and Boganathar).
Recognising the fundamental importance of overcoming inner conflicts around sexuality on the path to self-knowledge and inner peace, Peter has worked on developing a modern approach to Tantra which is accessible to all who seek expansion of consciousness and divine connection, no matter what their religious background.
Tantra is a lightning-fast method of revealing the Divine. So the challenge was to make the techniques available to all, safely, and in a way which nevertheless contains the full power of the ancient traditions, which is usually absent in modern approaches to Yoga and Tantra.
Meditation, Breathwork, compassion and self-mastery have a central role to play in this approach.
Although Peter's main personal practices have centered formally on Kundalini Tantra and Kriya Yoga, the related Taoist practices have also had a significant role on his life and work.
Around 1996 he started his studies of Mantak Chia's Healing Tao system with Kris Deva North in London and in 2002 he studied with Mantak Chia himself. In 2015 he brought Kris Deva North to Portugal for the first Healing Tao Qigong Teacher Training, and received certification as an intermediate-level teacher of Qigong.
Peter's investigation into the nature of consciousness and of the 'ego' led in turn to an interest and an exploration of the practical applications of this understanding in the modern world - not just for individuals but for communities and society as a whole.
This led to Peter's work extending into other fields beyond conventional spirituality.
Not limiting himself to inner practices, idealist Utopianism and 'spiritual philosophy', and wishing to make the inner dream of 'Heaven on Earth' a practical reality, he has become an enthusiastic member of the permaculture movement, applying permaculture humbly on the scale of an increasingly-productive and collaborative home garden.
However, his focus has been far more on the social aspects of permaculture and exploring and developing new economic models based on personal value, money-sovereignty and organizational models such as sociocracy.
In April this year (2016), Peter is bringing James Priest, the internationally-known teacher of Sociocracy to Portugal for a 5-day training.
Peter received his Permaculture Design Certificate from Doug Crouch and also studied Social Permaculture with Peter Cow, Doug Crouch and Robina Mc.Curdy.
In November 2015 Peter brought the founder of Rebirthing, Leonard Orr, to Portugal for Rebirthing training at Senhora D'Azenha, Sintra.
Peter is one of a handful of people in Portugal to have completed the Breath Master Training with Leonard Orr, who is also a pioneer in the field of alternative currencies and sustainable prosperity.
Seeking to develop and help others experience a healthy relationship to money and to power he has also worked with top coach and best-selling author Ken D Foster, and co-edited two of his books. He is preparing to publish the first portuguese-edition of Ken's book 'Release-Renew-Evolve'.
In recent years he has been developing a coaching practice that focuses on helping people - specially therapists and teachers - experience success and sustainable, ethical, prosperity.
In preparation for this, Peter received coaching from several other top coaches including Ryan Eliason founder of the Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network.
Peter gives workshops and private consulting on life-purpose and sustainable inner and outer development, sharing empowering practical approaches to creating a more sane, harmonious, and sustainably prosperous world.
Peter is based in Sintra, at the Senhora D'Azenha Centre for World Arts and Crafts, where he leads retreats and intensive trainings as well as regular classes and individual consultations.
He also gives consultations and courses to students around the world online.
Or sign up now for a free initial consultation (5 available during July 2016) - ACCESS HERE.
For more info on Peter, see below.
The following is not a conventional 'CV'. It outlines Peter's journey from 1995 after leaving behind the Western academic studies of Psychology and Philosophy which he undertook at the University of Buckingham, and several colleges of London University (including Birkbeck, LSE, King's College).
Although incomplete - not covering much of Peter's studies of the healing arts - it provides a context and background to Peter's work with Meditation, Tantra, Yoga, and Social Permaculture:
1995 - Received initiation in London and started practising Transcendental Meditation in 1995.
1995 - Started practicing Kriya Yoga after receiving teachings and initiation from Paramahamsa Hariharananda and Paramahamsa Prajnanananda in Holland.
1997 - Received Kundalini Yoga instruction from Guru Dharam Singh in London.
1998 - Introduction to Taoist Practices and Healing Love with Kris Deva North of the Healing Tao, began practising Qigong.
1998 - Received Kriya Yoga instruction and initiation from M.G. Satchidananda in Mallorca.
2000 - Made pilgrimage to India and received Darshan/ blessings from several living saints. Received mantra teachings at Arunachala from a cave-dwelling yogi. Visited Vadalur and made contact with Swamigal Ramalingam's disciples. Received teachings on Surya Yoga.
2001 - Made pilgrimage to South India with Kriya Yoga group. Visited sites associated with the 18 Siddha Tamil Lineage of Yogis and received level 2 Kriya Yoga initiation and teachings from M.G. Satchidananda in Pondicherry. Given permission to teach Kriya Hatha Yoga. Visited Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville. Had private audience with T.R. Thulasiram (India).
2001 - Started teaching Kriya Hatha Yoga at Quinta dos Milagres in Lagos (Portugal).
2002 - Participated in Yoga Conference with Georg Feuerstein and M.G.Satchidananda (Germany).
2002 - Satsang with the Dalai Lama in Lisbon (Portugal).
2002 - Fusion of the 5 Elements Training - with Master Mantak Chia, London (UK).
2003 - Received Darshan/blessings from Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi - 'the Hugging Saint') in London (UK).
2003 - Received Tamil Siddha Mantras from Dattatreya Siva Baba in London. Private audience.
2004 - Introduction to Ayurvedic Nutrition and Ayurvedic Cooking with Michele Pó in Lisbon.
2006 - Received Kriya Yoga Teachings from Rudra Sivananda at retreat in Birmingham (UK).
2006 - Received Kriya Yoga Initiation and Teachings from Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath.
2006 - Received 3rd Level Kriya Initiation and teachings from M.G. Satchidananda at retreat in Birmingham (UK).
2006 - Private audience with Swami Vishwananda. Attended Mudra course and received permission to teach.
2006 - While presenting at the London Yoga Conference, received the 'GraceFlow Blessing' in a meditation.
2006 - Received blessing from Paramhans Maheshwarananda for work with Kundalini activation (Shaktipat).
2007 - Higher level Kriya Initiation with Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath, London (UK).
2007-8 - Darshans with Ammachi in several countries during European Tour (Ireland, Spain, Holland, UK).
2008 - Atma Kriya initiation and teachings with Swami Vishwananda at retreat (Germany).
2008 - Retreat and Training with Leonard Orr. 'Purification with the 5 Elements and Rebirthing Breathwork Training' in Dorset, UK.
2008 - Retreat with Stephen Wolinksy, disciple of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, in Santra Cruz, California (US)
2009 - Kriya Initiation and Teachings from Shibendu Lahiri at retreat in Fátima (Portugal)
2011 - Began teaching Kundalini Kriya Yoga practices and giving Tantra workshops in Sintra and Lisbon (Portugal)
2011 - Permaculture Design Certification Course with Doug Crouch at Escola da Terra, Sintra (Portugal)
2012 - Nei Kung Training with Al Dirk, Sintra (Portugal)
2012 - Presented at 'Science and Nonduality Conference' (SAND) in San Rafael, California (US)
2012 - Began training in Ayurvedic Masters program with David Ferreira and Kindala Rocha in Sintra (Portugal)
2013 - Pilgrimage to Nath Sampradaya lineage sacred sites in Mumbai. Led 'Yoga Culture' trip to Tamil Nadu for visiting temples and ashrams, specially connecting with the Tamil Siddha tradition (India)
2013 - Presented at Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND) in Doorn (Holland).
2014 - Social Permaculture Training with Peter Cow, in Sintra (Portugal)
2015 - 10-day Yoga training retreat at the ashram of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (India)
2015 - May - Vinyasa Krama Teacher Training with Srivatsa Ramaswamy, London (UK)
2015 - May - Retreat with Anand Rudra - Kaula Tantra and Tantra Yoga Massage Training, in Sintra (Portugal)
2015 - May - presented Grace Flow Meditation and Introduction to Tantra at 'Science and Non-Duality Conference ('SAND' Conference Italy, Titignano

2015 - August - Permaculture Teacher Training with Robina McCurdy and Doug Crouch, in Sintra (Portugal)
2015 - Qigong Teacher Training with Kris Deva North and Anamarta - Certified as Intermediate level instructor, in Sintra (Portugal)
2015 - October - Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga Teacher Training with Ananda Rudra, in Sintra (Portugal)
2015 - November - Breath Master Training with Leonard Orr, in Sintra (Portugal)
2015 - November - Purification with the 5 Elements and Rebirthing Training with Leonard Orr, in Sintra (Portugal)
2015 - December - completed Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 with Anand Rudra (Kaula Tradition), in Sintra (Portugal)
Veja também o artigo: 'Peter's Tantric Journey'.
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